
UPDATE 1/13/2020 - Goodnight RSM - Public operations of WCFETC cease until further notice.

It's not hard, after watching the video of the work group of the Wake County Commissioners, to conclude that the fix is in and in fact has been for awhile.  RSM was treated like yesterday's news, the Sheriff is the highest priority for most if not all the Commissioners, the NC Wildlife Commission rode in on a white horse to save the day for the public except they're going to have to find out from the WCSO which days they can save first.   Further, it's not clear whether or not the Wildlife Commission will be teaching CCH classes, NRA classes, hosting leagues or even fielding the "1 RO per range policy" that RSM adhered to.  Does my WCFETC card still get me into the range during whatever public hours are allowed? What about my annual membership payment - do I get a refund? When and how will I know when the range is again open to the public? So many questions...

One thing that as of this evening is clear, the thousands-member family that was the Wake Range and RSM is over.  The range as most know it will cease operations tomorrow, Jan 14th at 9pm. Damn shame that.  Those people, that place, those times constituted a sense of community that those who are fond of publically preaching about "the community" can only aspire to.  Respectful gratitude is due to Fred, Fritz and Eric, the owners of RSM, for (almost) 20 years of service and fun for the shooters of the entire region.

ABC11 is reporting that Kyle Briggs, deputy director for N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) has made the following statement:

"A partnership is truly a joint activity where we're not being paid for our services. We're providing this to the public," said chief deputy director for NCWRC Kyle Briggs. "Obviously, our shooting ranges that we operate are always free to the public to use. So that would be our goal in this partnership."

If we are to take Sheriff Baker's requirement that the public hours be profitable to the county seriously, charging the public $0 an hour as opposed to the $12 an hour the range get's now (that's cheap btw) is going to be an accounting nighmare for someone. Should be interesting...

There will of course be more to report over the next several weeks (and probably months) as we learn how and when the range will again open to the public.  If you want to keep up with events then hit the email subscription link in the right hand column.  We'll let you know what happens as we find out ourselves.

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These comments will be submitted to the Wake County Board of Commissioners at their Jan 6, 2020 meeting. Please be respectful. Remember - we're the class act here!