
UPDATE 2/18/20 - End of the interregnum

And there it is.  The Wake County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to allow the North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission to run the public (non-law enforcement) operations of the Wake County Firearms Education and Training Center for up to a year.  This means that there is now a definite glide path to the range opening back up as advertised on March 15.   You have to be impressed with the speed at which this whole thing blew through several local and state bureaucracies.  In the column on the right side of the page is the email address of each Commissioner.  It might be a nice gesture to ping them a quick and tasteful thank-you for their prompt action in restoring public use of the range. 

The VIDEO of the Monday meeting is now available HERE and below.  The pertinent parts start at 01:49:53 and end at 02:16:19.    

There’s been a facile little verbal sleight-of-hand going on here that might ought to be discussed.  There’s a cadre of folks who are frankly livid that their Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights have been taken away from them.  On those nights there were generally Leagues (like Action Pistol and Bullseye, Marksmanship and Ladies leagues) going on and, even though it’s classified as a “special” event by some and not tallied in official public documents, it is in fact the public (non-law enforcement)  who’s populating those hours too.  Thus, those folks are not wrong that the “public” has actually lost hours at the range and are thus properly peeved but let’s look at a couple of numbers, shall we?


        The number of weekly public hours at the Wake County Range since January 15th


The number of weekly public hours at the Wake County Range after March 15th

This is a win for the smile. If you’re a shooter, you know that smile – when a new shooter shoots a gun for the first time – that great big smile. For those among us who were desirous of restoring the smiles to the Wake County Range this is unquestionably a win.  No one has said that there will NEVER be any training at the range again so there’s no reason that in the days ahead we shouldn’t continue the push to restore the training and education part of the use of the range.  It can be done. In the meantime how about let's enjoy a little quality time with our shooting buddies again.

Make plans now to be at the re-opening of the Wake Range on March 15th.  It should be a good time for the shooting family of our area.  More details to follow as more is known. 

See ya there.

Oh, and BTW, apparently refund checks for unused WCFETC annual memberships should be mailed to you by the county sometime around March 9th.  They already have the list so no need to call.  More info to follow soon. 



  1. It's been months. Any news or updates?

  2. There's talk of opening in early October. If that's the case they need to hustle. Keep an eye on the NC Wildlife FETC page. That's probably where they'll announce the opening.



These comments will be submitted to the Wake County Board of Commissioners at their Jan 6, 2020 meeting. Please be respectful. Remember - we're the class act here!