
2/14/20 - Valentine's Document Dump

The Agenda for the Wake County Board of Commissioners regular meeting set for 2pm on Monday, February 17th is posted and has all kinds of interesting information in it.  Item # 20 is of particular interest.  If you click on that, it takes you HERE. As you'll see, that page has ALL the pertinent docs - WRC Contract, WCFETC SOP's, even a floor plan.  There are 9 documents in total, some of which you've proably seen before. Check them out and please put any observations, praise or gripes in the comments and we'll pass them along. And don't forget to cross your fingers that this actually happens. Just sayin'...

Range Four


  1. From the SOP documents:

    DRAWING FROM HOLSTER: Drawing from a holster and firing is not allowed on the ranges.

  2. I just noticed that as well, I wish they would still allow drawing from a holster.

  3. I was hoping they would mention something about continuing the leagues. The action pistol league was pretty popular, always bringing in a large crowd.

  4. Still nothing about those of us with memberships. I was only able to get a month out of my renewal befope it closed

  5. 1. From experience, 6 hrs on a very hot or very cold range is about as much as a person can tolerate. Toward the end of that time focus becomes degaded and safety can be compromised. The proposted staffing plan would have an RO work 10 hrs. Plus there doesn't look like any coverage for breaks and lunch.
    2. I saw a statement about uncasing guns at the firing line in the appendex but not in the main body of the SOP. I recommend the ROs continue the former practice of uncasing / casing only at the firing line.
    3. I don't see anything about placing targets so the bullet impacts the berm and not the floor or ceiling.

  6. How did the meeting go?


These comments will be submitted to the Wake County Board of Commissioners at their Jan 6, 2020 meeting. Please be respectful. Remember - we're the class act here!